Language is the road map of a culture. It tells you where its people come from and where they are going.
~Rita Mae Brown
For the past three weeks (and for the next three months, too), I've had the pleasure of spending at least 5 hours a day in this beautiful place learning Spanish. It's certainly easier to go to an 8:00 A.M. class when you're greeted by smiling faces, cups of coffee, and sheer beauty in the courtyard. I swear, there's a geranium there that is taller than me (no, really, it can happen!). Between the beauty of the school, the people, and the wonderful time to mingle with maestras and other students during la pausa (the break), my first three weeks here have been a joy.

My maestra for the first three weeks is named Monica (tomorrow I will have a new maestra - sniffle). We had quite a lot of fun together, I must say. So much fun, in fact, that a few other students actually commented about it to me (whoops). For instance, we watched this one day in class, and then sat there giggling for at least 5 minutes. :D

In addition to spending plenty of time on grammar (5 hours of Spanish a day is a LOT!), we spend quite a lot of time just having conversations. Monica and I have talked about history, poverty and other forms of social injustice, abortion, and the civil war in Guatemala to name just a few topics. One of my favorite topics so far? Rigoberta Menchú. Feminist that I am, it figures that I would like a strong, female, peace activist. The Wikipedia page linked above doesn't necessarily have the most complete information, but it gives you some idea. La vida interesante!

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